
Benchmarks ran on an AWS m7a.8xlarge with 32 cores and 128GB RAM. The generics parameters are :


  • N_BYTES = 8

  • LEVELS=20 (2^20 users = 1,048,576 users)

Merkle Sum Tree

MST init

24.542 s

MST init (sorted)

25.754 s

Proof of Inclusion Circuit

VK Gen
Pk Gen
Proof Generation
Proof Verification
Proof Size (bytes)

106.88 ms

125.87 ms

403.33 ms

4.0000 ms


To reproduce benchmarks like the one above, please refer to this

The benchmark results based on larger userbase (2^28) are in the table below:

MST init

6279.0 s

VK Gen
Pk Gen
Proof Generation
Proof Verification
Proof Size (bytes)

110.61 ms

152.24 ms

460.05 ms

4.0001 ms


Notably, the results show that there is no significant time difference in the Proof generation or verification between the two datasets despite the substantial increase in entry size.

Custodians can reduce the time required to build a Merkle sum tree by utilizing summa-aggregation. For detailed benchmark results, please refer to here.

Last updated